Node Inputs

  • Recipient Email: The email address where you want to send the notification. This must be a valid email address.
  • Email Subject: The subject line for the email notification. This can be customized to suit the message you are sending.
  • Send as HTML: A true or false value indicating whether to send the email in HTML format. By default, this is set to false.
  • Email Body: The main content or message of the email. This will be what the recipient reads once they open the email.

Node Output

  • Email Status: Text that tells you if the email was sent successfully or if sending failed.

Node Functionality

The “Send Email Notification” node is designed to send an email message from a predefined Gumloop email account to a specified recipient. It handles both the composition and delivery of the email, ensuring that users don’t have to manually perform these tasks. Notably, the node offers the option to send plain text or HTML-formatted emails, catering to different content presentation needs.

When To Use

You can use the “Send Email Notification” node whenever you need to automate sending emails. For example:

  • Notifying a team member when a task has been completed.
  • Sending a confirmation message to a client or customer.
  • Alerting an administrator to a significant system event or error.

This node is particularly useful in workflows and flows that require consistent communication via email, as it ensures messages are sent out promptly and reliably. It is an excellent choice for integrating automated email notifications into various processes without needing manual intervention.