Transform your workflows into intuitive, user-friendly interfaces with Gumloop Interfaces. Instead of requiring users to navigate complex workflows, share your workflows as simple, customizable interfaces that anyone can easily use.

Why Gumloop Interfaces?

Without Interfaces, sharing workflows means users need to:

  • Navigate complex workflows
  • Understand technical implementation details
  • Handle data formats and connections correctly

Gumloop Interfaces solves this by:

  • Creating simple interface designs
  • Managing data processing behind the scenes
  • Handling credentials seamlessly
  • Delivering results directly to users

Creating an Interface

  1. In your workflow, click the “Add Interface” button on the top left panel
  2. A new Interface node appears in your workflow
  3. Hover over the Interface node and click ‘Edit Interface’
  4. Configure your interface:
    • Add interface title and description
    • Choose an interface icon:
      • Upload custom image
      • Select an emoji
    • Add header image:
      • Generate with AI: Describe what you want and get unique images
      • Choose from galleries: Abstract, Nature, Gradients or Search on Unsplash
      • Upload your own

Tip: Add detailed instructions in the AI image generation prompt to get the best output.

Understanding Interface Outputs

Input TypeOutput in WorkflowDetails
Text FieldText stringAny text input from single words to paragraphs
NumberNumeric valuePositive or negative numbers based on configuration
EmailEmail stringValidated email address format
DateISO datetimeStandardized date format
File UploadFile objectSupports PDF, PNG, CSV, XLSX, DOCX, MP4, MP3 and more (Max: 200MB)
DropdownText stringValue of the selected option
CheckboxBooleanTrue when checked, False when unchecked

Note: When a field is optional and left empty, it passes an empty value to your workflow

Interface Elements

Basic Inputs

Text Field

  • Purpose: Collect written information
  • Features:
    • Single or multi-line text entry
    • Set character limits for quality control

Number Input

  • Purpose: Collect numeric values
  • Features:
    • Set minimum/maximum boundaries
    • Guide users with placeholder examples

Email Field

  • Purpose: Collect valid email addresses
  • Features:
    • Automatic format checking
    • Prevents invalid submissions

Date Picker

  • Purpose: Collect dates consistently
  • Features:
    • Visual calendar selection
    • Outputs dates in ISO format

File Upload

  • Purpose: Accept file submissions
  • Features:
    • Handle multiple files
    • 200MB limit per file
    • Support for common file types like PDF, DOC/DOCX, XLS/XLSX, CSV, TXT, MP3, MP4, JPEG, PNG, etc.

Interactive Elements

Select Dropdown

  • Purpose: Present fixed choice options
  • Features:
    • Easily add/remove choices
    • Set default selection
  • Returns: Text of selected option


  • Purpose: Yes/No selections
  • Features:
    • Starts unchecked by default
    • Simple toggle interaction

Interface Structure

Organize your interface with:

  • Headings: Create clear sections
  • Description Text: Guide users with explanations
  • Dividers: Separate different parts visually

Tip: Drag and drop any element to reorder your interface layout

Input Configuration Options

SettingDescriptionUsage Example
Custom Field NameThe name shown above the input”Phone Number” instead of default “Text”
Helper TextGuidance shown below the field”Include country code for international numbers”
PlaceholderExample text in empty fields”+1 (555) 0123”
Default ValuePre-filled starting value”United States” in a country dropdown
Required/OptionalWhether the field must be filledMark email as required for contact information

Access & Security

Interface Access & Sharing

  • Configure access settings through ‘Edit Interface Access’
  • Access options:
    • Restricted (default)
    • Anyone with link: Accessible via shared URL
  • Share interface link directly from the node
  • Option to delete interface if needed

Workflow Visibility

  • Toggle “Allow workflow access from interface”
  • When enabled:
    • Adds ‘View Workflow’ button to the interface
    • Lets users see the underlying workflow
    • Requires appropriate workflow permissions

Important Note: Interface access permissions are separate from workflow access permissions. This means:

  • A user can have access to use an interface without having access to view or edit the underlying workflow
  • Interface access and workflow access need to be configured separately
  • You can share an interface widely while keeping the workflow private, or vice versa

Authentication & Credentials

  • Users must sign in to Gumloop to use interfaces
  • Important: When building workflows with service nodes (Gmail, Google Sheets, Slack, etc.):
    • The flow will use the interface user’s credentials, not the workflow creator’s
    • Users will need valid credentials for any services accessed in the workflow
    • Example: If your workflow includes a Gmail Sender node:
      • The email will be sent from the interface user’s Gmail account, not yours
      • The interface user will need to connect their Gmail account when using the interface
  • Credentials connect directly to services
  • Nothing stored by Gumloop

Usage & Credits

  • Credits are deducted from the interface user’s account/organization
    • If the user belongs to an organization, credits are deducted from the organization’s balance
    • Creator’s credits are not affected
  • Interfaces show the same output as the workflow
  • Interface inputs connect directly to workflow inputs

Interface Management

  • Users with workflow edit access can modify the interface
  • Interfaces work with both triggered and non-triggered workflows
  • You can use an ‘Output’ node to output any data in the interface once the flow has successfully ran
  • Interface output supports markdown formatting

Real-World Examples

In-depth Business Researcher

Research and analyze companies comprehensively:

Interface Structure:
- Company Name (Text field)
  Helper text: "Enter the company's full legal name"
  Example: "Stripe, Inc."

- Research Focus (Dropdown)
    - Company Overview
    - Market Position
    - Key Products/Services
    - Leadership Team
    - Financial Performance
    - Recent News
  Helper text: "Select areas to focus the research on"

- Competitor Analysis? (Checkbox)
  Helper text: "Include analysis of top 3 competitors"

- Output Format (Dropdown)
  Options: PDF Report, Google Doc, Markdown
  Default: Google Doc

Output: Detailed research report with sources cited

Content Tone Adjuster

Rewrite content to match specific tones and styles:

Interface Structure:
- Content URL (Text field)
  Helper text: "Paste the link to the article or blog you want to use"

- Target Tone (Dropdown)
    - Professional & Formal
    - Casual & Friendly
    - Technical & Detailed
    - Simple & Clear
    - Persuasive & Sales
  Helper text: "Select the desired tone for your content"

- Industry (Dropdown)
  Options: Technology, Healthcare, Finance, Education, etc.
  Helper text: "Select your industry for contextual accuracy"

- Brand Voice Guidelines (File upload, optional)
  Helper text: "Upload your brand guidelines (PDF, DOC)"

Output: Rewritten content in desired tone with original/new comparison

Social Media Content Calendar Generator

Create a comprehensive content calendar:

Interface Structure:
- Brand/Company Name (Text field)
  Helper text: "Enter your brand or company name"

- Target Platform (Dropdown)
  Options: LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook

- Content Period (Dropdown)
  Options: 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month
  Default: 1 week

- Key Topics/Themes (Text field)
  Helper text: "Enter topics, products, or themes to focus on"
  Example: "Product launches, Industry tips, Customer success stories"

Output: Detailed content calendar in spreadsheet format with post suggestions


Gumloop Interfaces takes complex workflows and makes them super simple to use. Your team doesn’t need to be tech-savvy - they just fill out a clean, simple interface and the automation handles everything else.