Many of the nodes require you to authenticate your accounts with various 3rd parties so the flow can read or write to external platforms (ex: github, gmail …).

Credentials Page

The credentials page is the best place to view and manage the services you’ve authenticated with.

Adding credentials

Certain nodes cannot be run without first authenticating with a 3rd party. For example to raise a PR in your github repo via flow if you haven’t authenticated with github first.

To add a credential visit the credentials page and authenticate with the appropriate service.

Almost all of our 3rd parties are authenticated via OAuth2 but there are some that require you paste in your credentials directly.


Paste in your OpenAI API key to be charged for the AI api fees your flows accrue.


Paste in the credentials to for S3 so the S3 associated nodes can have the appropriate permissions.

Revoking credentials

If you ever want to revoke your authentication permission from Gumloop click the “Revoke” button associated with service.

Any trace of your auth tokens are wiped from the servers and you’ll need to re-authenticate in the future.


All credentials are encrypted at rest and securely stored in the cloud. Your authentication tokens are only decrypted server-side when running a pipeline that requires a particular 3rd party service you’ve permitted.

3rd Party Support Requests

If you need us to add support for a new 3rd party, email us at!