Node Inputs

  • include justification (optional): A boolean option indicating whether to include an AI’s justification for its category selection. It can be either true (included) or false (not included).
  • categories: A list of category objects. Each category object contains:
    • category name: The name of the category.
    • category description: A description that explains what kind of items would belong to this category.
  • input: The input text to which the categorization process will be applied.

Node Output

  • selected category: The chosen category name after running the categorization process on the input text.
  • justification _ (optional)_: An explanation provided by the AI for selecting a particular category, if justification inclusion was requested.

Node Functionality

The Categorizer node is designed to classify or sort provided input data into predefined buckets or categories using AI. It leverages GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) models to analyze the input text and select the most appropriate category for it based on the user-defined options.

When To Use

The Categorizer node should be used when there is a need to organize or label textual data automatically. This could be helpful in various scenarios, such as sorting customer feedback into different themes for analysis, categorizing products based on descriptions, or even organizing documents by topic. It’s especially beneficial when the categorization criteria are clear and the categories are well-defined. The option to include a justification for the categorization also adds a layer of interpretability, helping users understand the reason behind the AI’s decision.