Node Inputs

  • recipient email: Enter the recipient’s email address. (text, required)
  • email subject: Enter the subject of the email. (text, required)
  • send as html: Send email as HTML. (boolean, optional, default is False)
  • email body: The content of the email message. (text, required)

Node Output

  • email status: The status of the email sent. It informs if the email was sent successfully or if the sending failed.

Node Functionality

The GmailSender node allows you to send an email to a specified recipient using a Gmail account. You can set the subject of the email and define whether the content should be sent in plain text or HTML format. This node requires you to input the recipient’s email address and the message you wish to send. Additionally, you can optionally specify the email subject and if the email should be sent as HTML.

When the node is activated, it processes the input data and tries to send an email through a secure connection. If the process is successful, it updates the output with the message “Email sent successfully.” In case there’s an issue and the email cannot be sent, the output will reflect that the email sending failed, and the node will log an error message for further investigation.

When To Use

Use the GmailSender node when you need to automate the process of sending emails, such as notifications, alerts, or any other communication through Gmail. It is handy in scenarios like:

  • Sending automated emails after a certain event in an application.
  • Dispatching notifications to users or stakeholders at the end of a process or to inform them of important updates.
  • Distributing personalized content or marketing material to a list of recipients.
  • Any other situation where email communication can be standardized and automated to save time and ensure consistency.