Node Inputs

  • repo name: The name of the GitHub repository where you want to create a pull request, in the format ‘user_name/repository_name’.
  • branch (Optional): The name of the branch where the pull request will be created. If you don’t specify a branch, it will default to ‘main’.
  • pr title (Optional): The title for the pull request. This is what will appear as the headline of your pull request. If you leave this blank, a default title related to your automation run ID will be used.
  • pr description (Optional): The description of the pull request. This is where you can provide a more detailed explanation of the changes you are proposing. If left blank, a default description linking to your automation run on Gumloop will be used.
  • list of filenames: A list of filenames you want to include in your pull request. This is where you list out all the files you’re changing or adding.
  • list of file contents: Corresponding to each filename, this should be the content you want to be present in the files once the pull request is created.

Node Output

This node does not define explicit output attributes.

Node Functionality

The GitHub PR Creator is a node designed to automate the process of creating pull requests on GitHub repositories. This handy tool takes several pieces of information, like the repository name, branch, filenames, and contents, to help manage changes you want to propose to a codebase. It’s like having a personal assistant to handle the clerical work of organizing and submitting your code changes for review.

When To Use

You should use the GitHub PR Creator when you need to streamline your development workflow and want to automate the steps of creating pull requests. This is particularly useful when you’re working on a series of updates and need to push them for review quickly and efficiently. It eliminates the need to manually click through GitHub’s user interface, making it easier for you to focus on your code while still managing your contribution process seamlessly. It’s an ideal node when your workflow includes frequent updates to repositories or involves coordinating many file changes at once.