Node Inputs

  • project_id: The ID of the Firestore project where you wish to write data. This is a unique identifier for your project.
  • database_id: (Optional) The ID of the Firestore database you’re targeting. If not specified, a default will be used.
  • collection_id: The ID of the Firestore collection where the document will be stored. Think of a collection as a folder on your computer.
  • json_data: The actual data you want to write, formatted as a JSON string. This could be anything from user information to application settings.
  • document_id: (Optional) The ID of the document to create. If not specified, a unique ID will be generated automatically.

Node Output

  • status: Indicates whether the write operation was successful or not. Outputs “True” if successful and “False” if not.

Node Functionality

When To Use

Utilize the Firestore Writer node when you need to store information in a structured, database-like format within Google Firestore. Whether you’re collecting user data, saving application settings, or just keeping track of various pieces of information, this node can seamlessly write data to a specified Firestore collection.

Perfect for applications requiring real-time, scalable data storage, the Firestore Writer node simplifies the process of getting your data into the cloud. Use it in scenarios where dynamic data storage and retrieval are crucial, for instance, in web or mobile applications, IoT devices monitoring, or even for logging activities in a scalable project environment.

No need to handle the complexities of direct database interactions; prepare your data in JSON format, set your target collection, and let the Firestore Writer node do the rest.