Node Inputs

  • csv file name: This input is for the CSV (Comma Separated Values) file that you want to convert. The file should have a .csv extension and contain tabular data in a text format where each line corresponds to a row in a table and each value in a row is separated by a comma.

Node Output

  • xlsx file name: The output of this node will be the name of the newly created XLSX (Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet) file. This file is the result of converting the input CSV file into a format that can be easily opened and manipulated in spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel.

Node Functionality

The CSV to XLSX Converter node primarily converts a given CSV file into an XLSX file. The process maintains the structure of the data, transforming the text-based comma-separated values into a format recognized by spreadsheet programs, which allows for better data manipulation and presentation.

The node takes care of reading the contents of the CSV file, parsing it into a tabular format, and then writing this data into an XLSX file. During this process, the node also ensures that the data types and integrity are preserved so that the resulting spreadsheet maintains the consistency of the original data.

When To Use

This node should be used when you have data in CSV format and you need to convert it to an XLSX file for easier manipulation, such as applying formulas, creating charts, or simply organizing and formatting the data in a spreadsheet program. This conversion is particularly useful when dealing with applications or users who prefer or require data in Excel format, or when the capabilities of a fully featured spreadsheet are needed.