Node Inputs

  • csv file name: The CSV file that needs to be updated. This must be a file in .csv format.
  • column index: An integer representing the position of the column that will be updated in the CSV file. The first column is denoted by 0.
  • has headers (Optional): A true or false value indicating whether the first row of the CSV file contains column headers.
  • is new column (Optional): A true or false value indicating whether the column to be updated is a new one that didn’t exist in the original file.
  • column contents: A lsit of strings that contains the new values that should be placed into the specified column. Each value in the list corresponds to a row in the CSV.

Node Output

  • updated csv file name: The name of the new CSV file that has been generated with the updated or newly added column.

Node Functionality

The “Update CSV Column” node has a specific role within a data processing workflow. It takes an existing CSV file and either updates an existing column or adds a new one with the supplied data.

When To Use

You would use the “Update CSV Column” node when you have a set of data in a CSV format and need to make modifications to a particular column. This could be valuable in scenarios where you need to update records en masse, add annotations to datasets, or simply enrich the existing data with additional information.

For example:

  • When you have acquired new data that needs to be merged into an existing set.
  • When corrections are necessary for a dataset due to errors or updates in the data.
  • If there’s a need to add a calculated field or indicator based on other columns in the dataset.