Node Inputs

  • keys: A string that contains a list of comma-separated keys which designate the specific values that should be extracted from the JSON data. For example: 'key1,key2,key3'.
  • json_string: A string that represents the JSON from which values will be extracted. The user should input valid JSON data into this field.

Node Output

  • json_values: A string that consolidates all the extracted values from the JSON data. These values are separated by a comma.

Node Functionality

The ReadJsonValues node is designed to extract specific pieces of information from a JSON structure. A user provides a list of keys and a JSON string, and the node will search the JSON for the values associated with those keys. It’s capable of handling nested keys (keys that lead to more keys) by using a dot separator (like key1.nestedKey2). The found values are then converted to strings and combined into a single string output, with each value separated by a comma.

When To Use

This node is useful in scenarios where you have a JSON data source and need to extract particular pieces of data from it. For example, if you have a JSON string that contains user information and you only want to retrieve the names and emails, you could use this node with the keys “name,email” to get those values. It simplifies the process of data extraction from JSON, which can be beneficial in data analysis, reporting, or during the preprocessing stage of a data pipeline.