Node Inputs

  • list: The list from which you want to retrieve an item. This should be a collection of textual elements.
  • index: The position within the list of the item you want to obtain. Positions start counting from 0, so for the first item, you would use 0, for the second item, 1, and so on.

Node Output

  • item: This is the text found at the position you specified in the list input.

Node Functionality

When To Use

This node is incredibly useful in situations where you’re working with a set of items, such as names, messages, or any collection of texts, and you need to pick out one specific item based on its position in the list.

For example, if you have a list of tasks and you want to isolate the third task in the list, you would use the “Get List Item” node with “index” set to 2 (since the first item is considered to be at position 0). This functionality becomes particularly handy in automated processes where dynamic data needs to be sifted through and specific information retrieved without human intervention.

You might also find this node valuable for:

  • Parsing through automated reports to fetch a particular piece of information that’s always at a set position.
  • Working with lists of options where a user’s choice corresponds to an item’s index within that list.
  • Extracting a specific piece of data from a structured list where the position of the data relative to other pieces is known and consistent.

In general, whenever you’re dealing with structured lists and need to retrieve items based on their order, “Get List Item” offers a straightforward solution.