Operator Inputs

The operator accepts the following inputs:

  1. zip file name: This refers to the name of the zip file that needs to be read. It is an optional parameter.

Operator Parameters

The parameters include:

  1. zip file name: This is a file input parameter that is used to specify the name of the zip file that will be read.

Operator Output

After successfully reading the zip file, the operator will provide two outputs:

  1. file names: This refers to a list of the names of the files contained within the zip file.
  2. file contents: This refers to a list of the contents of the files within the zip file.

If no zip file is provided or can be read, the operator will return empty lists for both outputs.

Operator Functionality

The Zip File Reader operator reads files contained within a zip file. It first fetches the zip file from storage and then extracts the file names and its contents. If a zip file cannot be read or if a file is part of the system files generated by MacOSX compress, it is ignored.

Once all the files are read, the operator reports the successful completion of its operation in the logs and returns a list of the file names and their contents. Note that if a file content cannot be read, that particular file is skipped and the process continues with the rest.

When To Use

You should use this operator when you want to extract information or data from files that are stored within a zip file. It can be useful for operations like data processing or analysis where the data set is stored in zipped format. The operator supports .pdf, .json, .csv, and .txt file types within the zip file.