Node Inputs

The OutlookReader node allows users to specify certain inputs which determine how it reads emails from an Outlook/Microsoft account:

  • folder: The Outlook folder to read emails from (default is ‘Inbox’).
  • mark as read: A flag indicating whether to mark read emails as read (default is False).
  • email id: The ID of a specific email to retrieve. If not provided, the node will retrieve all unread emails.

Node Output

The node produces the following outputs:

  • email data: A list of email data formatted as text.
  • attached file names: A list of names of files attached to emails.
  • email ids: A list of unique email IDs for emails that were read.

Node Functionality

The OutlookReader node serves as a bridge to your Outlook/Microsoft email account. When added to an automation workflow, it is responsible for fetching emails from a specified folder in your account, such as the Inbox.

This node can selectively retrieve individual emails by their IDs or collect all unread emails. It can also mark emails as read upon retrieval if desired. For each email fetched, it comprehensively gathers information, including who sent the email, the subject, when it was received, the content of the email, and a list of any attachments.

For attachments that are part of emails, the node has the capability to temporarily hold these files and names them accordingly. However, it is designed to ignore images to focus on potentially more meaningful document types.

After the node has completed its job, it outputs the collected email content, attachment file names, and email IDs for further use in your automation processes.

When To Use

Use the OutlookReader node when you want to automate the process of reading emails from an Outlook/Microsoft account. This could be part of an automation that filters important communications, processes email attachments, or manages your inbox by marking items as read.

It is particularly useful when you are looking to integrate email data into other systems or databases, extract information from regular correspondence automatically, or ensure you have a backup of critical email content.