node inputs

  • Outputs: These are the properties of the contact that you want to be output.
  • Use List?: Use a pre-made list of contacts from HubSpot filtered based on property values. This is optional.
  • List: The list to be used to read contact property details from. This appears only if “Use List?” is set to true and is optional.
  • list_map: This is a hidden, optional parameter used in the API call.
  • property_map: This is a hidden parameter used in the API call to map property labels to names.

node Output

  • base_output: This output serves as a base type for dynamically generated outputs, which depend on the user’s CRM selections. It isn’t directly visible to the user, but it’s crucial for handling dynamic outputs appropriately.

node Functionality

When To Use

The “HubSpot Contact Reader” node is particularly useful whenever you need to automate the process of fetching contact information from your HubSpot CRM. This node simplifies the task of extracting specific contact details such as names, emails, phone numbers, assigned owners, lead statuses, and more. It is flexible and provides you with the capability to specify exactly which contact properties you wish to retrieve. This can be particularly valuable for businesses looking to:

  • Segment contacts dynamically for marketing campaigns or follow-up processes.
  • Automate the process of lead qualification by gathering detailed contact information.
  • Sync contact information across different systems or databases by regularly retrieving the latest data.
  • Generate reports or insights based on specific contact properties.

In essence, the “HubSpot Contact Reader” node streamlines data consumption from HubSpot, making it an essential tool for marketers, sales teams, customer support agents, and anyone else who relies on up-to-date contact information to perform their roles effectively. Whether you’re aiming to enhance your marketing efforts, boost sales productivity, or simply maintain accurate and comprehensive contact records, this node serves as a bridge between your HubSpot CRM and your automated workflows, enabling you to achieve your objectives more efficiently.