Node Inputs

  • Select Sheet: Select a Google Sheet from your Drive. This is optional if you’re using a direct link.
  • Use Link: Use a direct link to a Google Sheets file instead of selecting it from Google Drive. This is optional.
  • Link: The direct link to a Google Sheets file in Google Drive. This input is optional and depends on the “Use Link” being true.
  • Sheet Name: The specific name of the sheet within the Google Sheets file you want to read. This field is dynamic and optional.
  • Sheet Names: Stores the names of all sheets within the file for internal use and is hidden from the user.
  • file_name: Stores the name of the file for internal use and is hidden from the user.
  • file_url: Stores the URL of the file for internal use and is hidden from the user.
  • reader_mode: Specifies how to read the data from the Google Sheet. Options include Row-by-Row, Column-by-Column, Specified Row, and Specified Column.
  • row_index: The index (starting from 0) of the row to be read. This is used when the reader mode is set to “Specified Row”.
  • column_index: The index (starting from 0) of the column to be read. This is used when the reader mode is set to “Specified Column”.
  • ignore_headers: Option to ignore the first row (headers) in the Google Sheet.

Node Output

  • sheet_data: The data retrieved from the Google Sheet, formatted according to the specified reader mode.

Node Functionality

The Google Sheets Reader node is designed to read data from a specified Google Sheets document and output the data in a structured format. This node allows for versatile data extraction, enabling users to select whether they wish to read data row by row, column by column, from a specified row, or from a specified column. It supports both selections from Google Drive or via a direct link to a Google Sheet. This node is also equipped with the capability to bypass the header row when processing the data.

When To Use

This node is particularly useful in scenarios where flow processes require data from Google Sheets to be read and utilized. Some common use cases include:

  • Data Analysis and Reporting: Automatically pulling data for analysis, report generation, or dashboards.
  • Data Migration: Migrating data from Google Sheets to other databases or applications as part of an automated workflow.
  • Content Management: Reading content stored in Google Sheets to be published on websites, applications, or other platforms.
  • Flow in Operations: Extracting data for operational processes like inventory management, order processing, or scheduling.

In summary, the Google Sheets Reader node serves as a bridge between Google Sheets and automated processes, making it an essential tool for operations that rely on Google Sheets as a source of data.