Node Inputs

This node accepts the following inputs:

  • Feed Link: This is the URL of the Google Alerts RSS feed you wish to read. You can obtain this link by setting up an alert at, then right-clicking the RSS icon next to your alert and selecting ‘Copy Link Address’. This link is mandatory for the node to function.

  • Timeframe: This optional parameter allows you to specify the time range of the alert items you’re interested in. You can choose from ‘past day’, ‘past week’, ‘past month’, or ‘all’ to filter the results accordingly.

  • outputs: Here, you can specify which pieces of information you want the node to output. Options include links, titles, dates, and snippets of content from each item in the feed. This is also optional and allows for more flexible output configuration.

Node Output

The node produces the following outputs based on the user’s selection in the outputs input parameter:

  • links: A list of hyperlinks to the items found in the RSS feed.
  • titles: The titles of each item found in the feed.
  • dates: Publication dates for each item. If a date is not available, it will output ‘Unknown’.
  • snippets: Short excerpts or summaries of the content found in each feed item.

Node Functionality

When To Use

The Google Alerts RSS Reader node is designed for anyone looking to automate the monitoring and aggregation of web content related to specific keywords or topics. Businesses, researchers, or individuals who need to stay informed about the latest news, mentions, or developments related to their interests will find this node particularly useful.

For example, a marketing team might use this node to gather mentions of their brand across the web, allowing them to monitor public perception and react to news stories or social media buzz in real-time. Researchers might set up alerts for specific scientific keywords to stay up to date with the latest studies and publications in their field.

The ability to filter by timeframe means you can narrow down your focus to the most recent and relevant information. By selecting specific outputs, you can tailor the information gathered to your needs, whether you’re looking for quick summaries of the latest news or the URLs of articles to explore in full.

Furthermore, the node’s integration capabilities mean that the data retrieved can easily feed into subsequent steps in an automation workflow, such as data analysis, content aggregation for newsletters, or automated social media posting.

In essence, the Google Alerts RSS Reader node empowers users to effortlessly stay abreast of the topics that matter most to them, streamlining the process of content discovery and curation.