Node Inputs

  • form id: The unique ID for the Typeform you want to retrieve responses from. For example, in the URL ’’, the form id is gOYTvMlU.
  • specify number of responses (optional): By default, this node fetches all responses from the specified Typeform. If you want to fetch only a certain number of the most recent responses, set this to true.
  • num responses (optional): The number of most recent responses to retrieve from the Typeform. This input is relevant only if specify number of responses is set to true. If set to 0 or left blank, all responses are fetched.

Node Output

  • responses: A list of the Typeform’s responses, formatted in a way that associates each answer with its corresponding question, making it easier to understand.

Node Functionality

The “Get Typeform Responses” node is designed to collect and process responses from a specific Typeform survey. When this node is activated, it reaches out to the Typeform API and requests the responses for the survey identified by the given form id. The node has the capability to limit the data retrieval to a specific number of the latest responses if specified. After collecting the responses, this node processes them to match each response with the corresponding question label, thus providing a clear and comprehensible format.

Once the information is gathered, it is organized and made available as output, which can then be utilized in subsequent steps of an flow process, analysis, or reporting.

Whether you’re looking to analyze survey results, integrate with other data sources, or simply need a way to automatically fetch and synthesize responses for review, the “Get Typeform Responses” node offers a streamlined solution.

When To Use

The “Get Typeform Responses” node is particularly useful in situations where you need to gather feedback, survey results, or any form of data collected through Typeform. It is ideal for businesses or researchers who utilize Typeform for data collection and wish to automate the process of retrieving and reviewing those responses. This node simplifies the task of collecting the information and presents it in a readable format without requiring technical expertise in data retrieval or API usage. Use this node whenever you want to save time and effort in handling Typeform responses, especially if dealing with high volumes of data or needing to pull responses at regular intervals.