Node Inputs

  • file link or id: The link to a Google Docs file in Google Drive or the unique ID of the file. This information is required to tell the node which document to read.
    • Example Link:
    • Example ID: 1zNCdHP_ViRL91xdCOvo0v3SZOZ8mH336mczr0

Node Output

  • doc content: The extracted text content from the specified Google Docs file. This is the actual written content read and returned from the document.

Node Functionality

The Google Docs Reader node is designed to connect to a Google Docs document and retrieve the text content. When you input a link or ID to a Google Doc, the node processes this information to access and read the document. The node can handle a direct URL to a Google Document or just the unique document ID part of the URL.

Once the node identifies and accesses your document, it reads all the text content and then outputs this as text. You can use the output in subsequent parts of your flow, for tasks such as analysis, report generation, content repurposing, or just to archive the text in another format.

When To Use

You should use this node when you need to automate the process of reading documents stored in Google Docs. Scenarios where this might be particularly useful include:

  • Archiving or backing up content from Google Docs.
  • Extracting content for natural language processing or analysis.
  • Migrating content from Google Docs to another platform or format.
  • Monitoring changes in documents by reading them at regular intervals.

It is a versatile tool for any workflow that might benefit from automated document content retrieval from Google Docs.