Node Inputs

  • csv file name: This is the name of the CSV (Comma Separated Values) file that the node will read. It is expected to be a file.
  • has headers (Optional): This should be set to true if the CSV file has headers (titles at the top of each column), otherwise it can be left unset or set to false.

Node Output

  • csv rows: The output is a list of text. Each item in the list is a row from the CSV file, with the cells in the row separated by commas.

Node Functionality

The “Extract CSV Rows” node is designed to read and process the contents of CSV files. It opens the specified file, reads through the data, and converts each row into text format. Then, it gathers all the text into a list which can then be used by other nodes in a larger flow process.

When the node processes the file, it takes into account whether the first row is a header—a row that contains the title or names of the columns. If the CSV file is described as having headers, the node will skip over this row when generating the output list of text in a row.

Additionally, if there is a Unicode Byte Order Mark (BOM) character present in the data, the node will remove it to prevent any issues with further processing of the data.

When To Use

You might use the “Extract CSV Rows” node in scenarios where you need to collect and analyze data from a CSV file without having to handle the data directly yourself. This can be particularly useful in automated workflows where data from a CSV file needs to be read and passed on to another process or system. Automating this step can save significant time and reduce errors, particularly when dealing with large or numerous files.