Node Inputs

  • csv file name
    • Data Type: File
    • Description: The name of the CSV file to be read. Both a parameter and an attribute, it specifies the file from which the column will be extracted.
  • column index
    • Data Type: Integer
    • Description: The index of the column to be extracted from the CSV file. Columns are zero-indexed, so the first column is 0, the second is 1, and so on.
  • has headers (Optional)
    • Data Type: Boolean
    • Description: Indicates whether the CSV file includes headers. If true, the first line is treated as the header and not included in the extracted data.

Node Output

  • csv column entries
    • Data Type: List of text
    • Description: A list of text, where each element represents an entry from the specified column in the CSV file.

Node Functionality

This node allows users to read a specific column from a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file and provides the data as a list of text. It is useful when you need to extract an entire column of data for further processing or analysis.

The node accepts the CSV file’s name, the column’s index that needs to be extracted, and an optional indication of whether the file contains headers or not. If the file does contain headers, they will not be included in the output.

When To Use

You should use the “Extract CSV Column” node when you have a CSV file and need to work with data from a specific column. Some common scenarios include:

  • When you need to analyze or manipulate the data from one column independently of the rest of the CSV file.
  • If you wish to use a column of data as input for a subsequent step in an flow workflow.
  • In cases where you want to collect unique entries from a column for tasks like generating a report, creating a list, or performing statistical operations.

This node is a convenient tool for anyone, technical or non-technical, looking to pull out a single column from a CSV file without the need to handle the entire file. It simplifies the process of data extraction, making it accessible to users without specialized data processing knowledge.