Node Inputs

  • csv_file_name: The name of the CSV file to be read. This is where you specify which file the CSV Reader will process.

Node Output

The CSV Reader dynamically generates its outputs based on the headers of the CSV file. For each column in the CSV, an output containing the data from that column will be created.

Node Functionality

When To Use

The CSV Reader node is perfect for scenarios where you need to process data stored in CSV files. CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files are commonly used for storing tabular data. This node simplifies the process of reading this data, making it accessible for further processing or analysis within your automation.

If you have a CSV file with column headers, and you need to access its content in a structured manner, the CSV Reader node is the right tool for the job. It reads the content from the CSV file and outputs a list of the data in each column, making it easy to work with the data programmatically.

This node is particularly useful in flows involving data entry, data analysis, or whenever you need to feed structured data from a CSV into subsequent parts of your flow flow.

A few common scenarios include:

  • Importing contact information from a CSV into a customer relationship management (CRM) system.
  • Analyzing sales data exported from an e-commerce platform.
  • Feeding product information into a database for inventory management.

The CSV Reader node’s ability to read and distribute data based on the CSV’s column headers allows for a great deal of flexibility, making it a key component in any flow that starts with CSV files.