Node Inputs

  • text content

    • Data Type: text
    • Description: The text to be written to the Google Doc.
    • Placeholder: Enter the text to be written to the Google Doc
  • use existing google doc (optional)

    • Data Type: boolean
    • Description: Write to an existing Google Doc instead of creating a new one.
  • file link or id (optional)

Node Output

  • doc link
    • Data Type: text
    • Description: The link to the newly created or updated Google Doc.

Node Functionality

The “Google Docs Writer” node is designed to interact with Google Docs. Its primary functionality is adding the provided text to a Google Doc, allowing users to either create a new document or update an existing one with the specified text content.

When To Use

The “Google Docs Writer” node is useful whenever there is a need to automate the process of writing or updating documents in Google Docs. This can be particularly helpful for:

  • Creating reports, letters, or any textual content that needs to be saved in a Google Doc format.
  • Appending information to an existing document without the need to manually open and edit it.
  • Integrating document-writing capabilities into larger automated workflows that handle various types of data and require documentation or logging.