How To Use

To use the Slack Message Reader, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Authenticate with your Slack workspace on Gumloop: To do this, go to the Gumloop dashboard and navigate to the ‘Credentials’ section. Here, you can link your Slack workspace to Gumloop.

  2. Add the Gumloop app to your Slack workspace: Follow these steps to do this:

  • Go to the Credentials page on Gumloop.
  • Scroll down to the “Read & Send Slack Messages” row.
  • Click on the Authenticate button.
  • Click “Allow” on the new tab that was opened.
  1. Invite the Gumloop app to the channel you want to read messages from: To do this, go to the channel and type in the message box: /invite @Gumloop. Press enter to send the command. The Gumloop app should now be a member of the channel and can read messages from it.

After following these steps, you can use the Slack Message Reader node to read messages from your Slack channel.

Node Inputs

The Slack Message Reader node requires the following inputs:

  • Channel: This is the Slack channel you want to read from.

  • Message Count: This is the number of messages to read from your Slack channel. The default value is 1. The max value is 100.

Node Output

The Slack Message Reader node produces the following output:

  • Messages: This is an array of strings, where each string is a message read from the specified Slack channel.

Node Functionality

The Slack Message Reader node reads the last n Slack messages from a specified channel. It uses the Slack SDK to connect to the Slack API and retrieve the messages.

When To Use

Use the Slack Message Reader node when you need to read messages from a Slack channel. This can be useful in a variety of scenarios, such as monitoring for specific keywords, analyzing communication patterns, or retrieving information shared in the channel.