Node Inputs

  • Feed: The name of the RSS feed you wish to read. This is a dynamic input, allowing for diverse feed selection based on user choice.
  • feeds_map: (Internal Use) A map of feed names to their corresponding IDs. This attribute is hidden from the user.
  • Number of Items: (Optional) Specifies the number of most recent items you want to retrieve from the feed. If not provided, the default is set to retrieve 1 item.
  • outputs: (Optional) Allows selection of specific types of information from the feed to output, such as URLs, dates, etc. Offering flexibility in the data users wish to examine.

Node Output

  • urls: A list of URLs for each item fetched from the feed.
  • titles: The titles of each item fetched.
  • dates: Publication dates of each feed item, presented in ISO format.
  • categories: Categories each feed item belongs to.
  • ids: The unique ID of each feed item.
  • origin feeds: The original feed from which each item was sourced.

Node Functionality

The RSS Feed Reader node is designed to fetch and interpret data from specified RSS feeds. It accomplishes this by accessing an RSS feed through a provided name, optionally limiting the number of items fetched, and filtering the type of information returned based on user preference. This node interacts with feeds using the Inoreader’s API, requiring an access token for authentication.

When To Use

Use this node whenever you need to consume the latest content from specific RSS feeds in an automated manner. It’s beneficial for:

  • Staying updated with news articles or blog posts from preferred publications.
  • Gathering and processing information from various sources for research or analysis.
  • Automating content curation tasks for social media or website updates.

The RSS Feed Reader node is particularly useful for users who wish to streamline their information gathering process, reducing the time spent on manual updates and ensuring they have access to the most recent content available.