Node Inputs

  • Filters: These are the attributes that you can use to filter the deals by. Options include:
    • Contact Email
    • Company Domain
    • Deal Stage
  • Contact Email: If you’re filtering by contact email, you would input the specific contact’s email here. For example, ’‘.
  • Company Domain: This would be the domain of the company you’re associating the deals with. For example, ‘’.
  • Pipeline: If filtering by Deal Stage, this is the pipeline from which you’re interested in loading deals. For instance, ‘Sales Pipeline’.
  • Deal Stage: The specific stages of the deals you want to load. For example, ‘Qualified to Buy’.
  • Outputs: Here, you define the properties of the contact that you’d like to be outputted.
  • property_map: This is a parameter used to map property labels to names that are used in the API call. It is hidden as it’s managed within the node’s logic.
  • pipeline_map: Similar to the property_map, this maps pipeline labels to deal stage labels and ids. It’s optional and hidden.

Node Output

  • base_output: This provides a base output that helps in understanding the type for other outputs when selected. This is especially key since outputs can be dynamic depending on the user’s CRM settings.

Node Functionality

When To Use

The HubSpot Deal Reader node is designed to simplify the process of extracting deal data from a HubSpot CRM (Customer Relationship Management system). It’s tailor-made for scenarios where businesses need to understand their sales pipeline better or analyze deal progress based on specific criteria like contacts, company, or deal stage. Use this node when you need a quick, filterable glance at deal-related metrics such as deal name, owner, creation date, close date, amount, etc., without diving deep into HubSpot’s interface or resorting to manual data extraction.

Through a series of configurable attributes, the node allows for precise targeting of deals based on association with individual contacts, companies, or particular stages within a sales pipeline. Moreover, with its dynamic output capability, users can retrieve various deal properties based on their unique CRM setup, making it a highly versatile tool for sales analysis and reporting.

In non-technical terms, think of this node as your personal assistant that helps you fetch comprehensive deal info from your HubSpot CRM swiftly based on the criteria you care about most. Whether you’re a sales manager looking to track deal progress, a marketer analyzing lead nurturing effectiveness, or a customer success manager monitoring engagements, this node can equip you with the data you need to make informed decisions.