Node Inputs

  • Project: The ID of the Google Cloud project.
    • Example: my-gcp-project
  • Dataset: The dataset that contains the table you want to pull data from.
    • Example: my_dataset
  • Table: The table that you want to pull data from.
    • Example: my_table
  • Query: The query that you want to execute. Ensure you are selecting records from the specified dataset and table.
    • Example: SELECT * FROM my_dataset.my_table

Node Output

  • Query Results: The data retrieved from the specified BigQuery table based on the executed query. The output is a dictionary where keys are column names and values are lists of corresponding values for the records.

Node Functionality

The BigQuery Reader node is designed to connect to a Google BigQuery table and retrieve data by executing a specified query. When you input the project ID, dataset, table, and query, the node processes this information to access and read the data from the table. The node can handle complex SQL queries to filter and select the required data.

Once the node executes the query and retrieves the data, it outputs the results as a dictionary. You can use the output in subsequent parts of your flow for tasks such as data analysis, report generation, data migration, or archiving.

When To Use

You should use this node when you need to automate the process of reading data from Google BigQuery. Scenarios where this might be particularly useful include:

  • Extracting data for analysis or reporting.
  • Migrating data from BigQuery to another platform or format.
  • Monitoring changes in data by executing queries at regular intervals.
  • Integrating BigQuery data into other workflows or applications.

It is a versatile tool for any workflow that might benefit from automated data retrieval from Google BigQuery.

Re-authentication Issues

If you encounter re-authentication issues with your Google BigQuery connection, it is likely due to the Reauthentication Policy settings in your Google Admin console.

This can cause the connection to expire frequently, leading to re-authenticated needed on Gumloop.

To resolve this issue, you can:

  1. Set our platform as a Trusted App and then exempt Trusted Apps from reauthentication.
  2. Change the settings to never require reauthentication for any app.

For more details on how to adjust these settings, please refer to the Google support documentation: Google Admin Reauthentication Policy.

After making these changes, please reconnect your Google account with our platform. If you continue to experience issues, please reach out to our support team on Discord for further assistance.