The Scorer node is a powerful tool designed to assign a numerical score to a given entity based on specific criteria. This score ranges from 0 to 100 and is intended to quantitatively evaluate the quality of the item in question.

Node Inputs

The Scorer node takes the following inputs:

  • Item: This is the entity or the subject that you want to score. You simply input the name or description of the item.
  • Criteria: Here you define the standards or rules the Scorer will use to evaluate the item. For instance, you could set criteria like clarity, grammatical correctness, and relevance to certain topics.
  • Include Justification (Optional): When this is set to true, the Scorer will not only provide a score but also a justification for that score explaining the reasoning behind it.

Node Output

After processing, Scorer generates two outputs:

  • Score: This is a numerical value between 0 to 100 reflecting the assessment based on the provided criteria.
  • Justification (Optional): If requested, it includes a detailed explanation of why the item received its particular score.

Node Functionality

The primary function of the Scorer node is to evaluate an item quantitatively by assigning a score within a standard range. Once you input the item and the criteria, Scorer processes this information and outputs a score that reflects how well the item meets the defined criteria.

When To Use

Use the Scorer node when you need a consistent and measurable way to evaluate items, whether it’s for comparing products, reviewing content quality, or any scenario where a quantitative assessment is required. It is especially useful in situations where decisions are made based on defined standards and you need clear, numerical feedback to guide these decisions. If explanations are necessary for understanding the scores or for record-keeping purposes, the Scorer can also include justifications for its assessments.