node inputs

  • Image File: This is the image that you want to analyze. It must be in JPEG or PNG format. You’ll need to provide this image to get insights about it.
  • Prompt: This is a specific question or request you have about the image. It guides the analysis to focus on particular aspects or details within the image.

node Output

  • Analysis: This output is a detailed response from the AI about your image. It can include text extracted from the image, a description of what’s in the image, or answers to your specific questions about the image.

node Functionality

When To Use

Use the Analyze Image node when you need insights or information from an image. This can be incredibly helpful in a variety of scenarios, such as:

  • When you have an image and you need to extract text from it. For instance, scanning a document or identifying the text on a sign.
  • When you want to understand the context or content of an image. This could be useful for content categorization, understanding social media images, or even for educational purposes to describe what’s happening in a historical photo.
  • When you’re looking for a description of an image’s visual elements. This is great for accessibility purposes, allowing visually impaired users to get a detailed description of images in text format.

This node utilizes AI vision capabilities to provide detailed analysis based on your specified prompt, making it an invaluable tool for extracting useful data from images or simply gaining a better understanding of their content.