AI Content Detector
The AI Content Detector is a powerful node that analyzes text to determine whether it was written by a human or generated by AI. Using GPTZero’s advanced detection model, it provides reliable analysis with detailed insights and confidence scores.
Quick Start
- Input: Text content to analyze (single piece or batch)
- Cost: 30 credits per 1,000 words
- Output: AI detection verdict, confidence score, detailed analysis
- Main use: Content verification, authenticity checks, plagiarism detection
Core Features
Accurate Detection
- Analyzes writing patterns and text structure
- Provides confidence scores for reliability
- Identifies mixed content (partially AI-generated)
Detailed Analysis
- Writing style metrics
- Sentence structure analysis
- Word choice patterns
- Readability scores
Batch Processing
- Analyze multiple texts simultaneously
- Efficient processing in Loop Mode
- Consistent results across large datasets
Input and Output Specifications
Input Fields
- Content: Text to analyze (required)
- Type: Text or List (in Loop Mode)
- Format: Plain text
Output Fields
AI Detection Result
- Type: Text (String)
- Possible values: “Human-written”, “AI-generated”, “Mixed”
Confidence Level
- Range: 0-100%
- Format: Decimal percentage
Detailed Message
- Type: Text (String)
- Includes: Reasoning for the result and key findings
Writing Statistics
- Type: JSON Object
- Contains: Readability metrics, sentence analysis, pattern detection
Practical Workflow Examples
1. Content Marketing Validation Pipeline
Goal: Validate blog posts and generate SEO metadata for approved content
Nodes Used:
AI Content Detector
- Analyzes submitted content
- Confidence threshold: 80%
Extract Data Node
- Pulls key topics and themes
- Identifies main keywords
Categorizer Node
- Assigns content categories
- Tags content type
Ask AI Node
- Generates SEO meta descriptions
- Creates social media snippets
2. Academic Submission Review System
Goal: Screen student assignments for AI-generated content and provide detailed feedback
Workflow Steps:
PDF Reader Node
- Extracts text from submissions
- Maintains formatting
Text Formatter Node
- Normalizes text structure
AI Content Detector
- Analyzes content authenticity
- Generates detailed reports
Scorer Node
- Evaluates writing quality based on set rubric
- Provides feedback points (enable AI Justification output)
Send Email Notification Node
- Alerts instructors of potential issues
- Sends automated feedback
3. Content Moderation System
Goal: Review and categorize user-submitted content across multiple platforms
Integration Points:
Website Scraper Node
- Extracts relevant text from article or blog
AI Content Detector
- Screens for AI-generated content
- Provides confidence scores
Categorizer Node
- Classifies content type
- Tags content themes
Airtable Database Writer Node
- Stores analysis results
- Updates content status
Best Practices
Optimization Tips
Batch Processing
- Use Loop Mode for multiple content items
Credit Management
- Estimate word count beforehand
- Use Text Formatter, Find & Replace, or Chunk Text to clean input
- Remove unnecessary content
Limitations and Considerations
- Possible false positives
- Language support restrictions
Additional Resources
- GPTZero Documentation
- Related nodes: Categorizer, Ask AI, Text Formatter