Node Inputs

  • condition: The natural language condition you want to be applied to your inputs. For example, you might want to check “Is this input written in Spanish?“. This input should be provided as text.
  • input: The content you want the filter to be applied to. This is where you would put the actual data you want examined by the AI to see if it meets the condition you’ve specified.

Node Output

  • filtered output: The result of the AI Filter’s evaluation. If the input data meets the specified condition, you will receive the same input data here. If it does not meet the condition, this will be empty.

Node Functionality

The AI Filter node is designed to process data by applying a natural language condition to each input. This node uses powerful language-model algorithms to interpret the condition and input provided, deciding whether the input meets the specified condition.

For example, if your condition is to identify Spanish-language text and your input is “Este es un texto en español,” the AI would recognize this as Spanish and the “filtered output” will contain the original input. If the input text was in English, the output would be empty, indicating the text did not meet the condition of being in Spanish.

This is a versatile tool that can make decisions based on the content of texts, which can be highly useful for filtering and organizing data automatically without the need for manual review.

When To Use

You can use the AI Filter node whenever you need to sort or categorize textual data according to specific criteria that can be expressed in natural language.

For instance, if you have a collection of customer inquiries and you want to respond only to those asking about a particular product feature, you could use the AI Filter to identify and separate those inquiries.

Notably, this node is beneficial where list processing of data is required or when you’re building complex automation that involves key decision points based on textual content. The AI Filter node is not just a filter but an intelligent decision-maker that dynamically adapts to the conditions you set.