Node Inputs

The node has several inputs that allow you to customize how it operates:

  • context: (Optional) This is additional information you can provide to the AI to help it understand the situation or scenario in which it needs to generate a value. Think of it as giving the AI some context or background.

  • value name: This is the specific name of the value you want the AI to generate. For example, if you’re looking for a rating, you might name this customer satisfaction rating.

  • value type: Here you specify what sort of value you expect the AI to generate. It could be text, a number, or a boolean (true/false).

  • value description: In this input, you explain what the value represents and how the AI should decide what to generate. Giving clear criteria and examples can help the AI understand what you’re looking for. For instance, if you’re asking for a rating, describe the scale and what each point on that scale means.

Node Output

The node provides a single output:

  • value: This is the direct, no-nonsense result produced by the AI. It corresponds to the value name you defined and is presented in the value type format you specified without any extra information or fluff.

Node Functionality

The “Ask AI - Single Value” node is designed to interact with an AI model and enforce that the AI returns a very specific piece of information or a single value, as per your request. It handles the communication with the AI, making sure the AI has all the necessary context and information to deliver the precise value you need.

When To Use

Consider using this node when you need to extract a particular piece of information from a large dataset or require the AI to focus on a single piece of data rather than providing broader, more elaborate responses. This can be particularly useful in scenarios where precision and specificity are more valuable than breadth of information—for instance, generating a specific rating, a yes/no answer to a compliance question, or perhaps a single data point from customer feedback.