Node Inputs

  • text: Text from which you want to extract the items. This text could be from a document loaded from a File Reader or a website that has been scraped.
  • Item: Define the structure of the items that you want to extract from the text. Each item can be composed of different properties such as name, type, and a description. For example, for a list of students, you might want to extract their first names, last names, GPAs, etc.
  • Additional Context [Optional]: Any extra context or instructions you wish to provide to assist in the extraction process.

Node Output

This node dynamically produces outputs based on the items it extracts from the provided text. The outputs correspond to the properties defined in the “Item” input parameter. For instance, if extracting students’ names and GPAs, there will be separate outputs for names and GPAs.

Node Functionality

When To Use

The “Extract Item List” node is instrumental whenever you need to dissect and parse detailed lists of information from a large block of text. This node is particularly useful in scenarios where:

  • Processing and extracting structured information (like student records, product details, event listings) from unstructured text sources.
  • Segregating information into distinct categories for further analysis or data processing activities.
  • Automating the extraction of repetitive patterns of data across numerous documents, thus saving time and reducing manual data entry errors.

Designed for versatility, this node supports various types of information, making it a valuable tool for tasks ranging from data mining and content extraction to transforming unstructured text into structured data for AI or machine learning projects.