Node Inputs

  • Starting Link: Enter the link from which you want the web browsing agent to start the task. If not specified, the agent starts at This is optional.
  • Task: Enter the task that you want the web browsing agent to perform. This should be a string.
  • Max. # of Actions: The maximum number of actions that you want the web browsing agent to perform. The default is 20. This field is optional and should be an integer.
  • Show Detailed Logs: Show detailed logs for what the web browsing agent is doing including images of what it sees and reasoning behind its actions. Note: Any images shown in these logs may be publicly accessible. Use this option for debugging purposes only. This field is optional and should be a boolean value.

Node Output

  • Response: Provides the response from the web browsing agent after accomplishing the task. This is a string.

Node Functionality

The AI Web Browsing Agent is designed to simulate human-like interaction with web pages to accomplish a variety of tasks online. Here’s what it can do:

  • Navigate to a specified URL to start a task.
  • Perform actions like clicking, typing in text fields, scrolling up or down, waiting for a specified period, going back to the previous page, or returning to the start page.
  • Process and execute defined actions based on analyzing screenshots of web pages and elements found on them.
  • Provide detailed logs including screenshots for debugging purposes (if requested).
  • Capable of completing tasks by interpreting simple instructions, navigating through web pages, and returning specified information.

When To Use

This node should be used when you need to automate tasks on the web that require interaction with web pages as if a human were performing those tasks. Examples include:

  • Looking up information or prices of products on various websites.
  • Filling and submitting forms online.
  • Navigating through multiple pages to retrieve information.
  • Automating repetitive browsing tasks without the need for manual intervention.

This node is ideal for enhancing efficiency in gathering web-based information and performing web interaction tasks automatically.