Node Inputs

The following inputs are required for the “Extract Single Item” node:

  • Text: This input requires a block of text from which key pieces of information are to be extracted. The provided text might come from various sources such as a document or a website.

  • Items: Here, you define the details about the specific key information you aim to extract from the text, such as:

    • Name: What is the piece of information called? For instance, ‘location.’
    • Type: What is the data type of this information? It could be text, a number, or a boolean value.
    • Description: A short explanation about the key information you are looking to extract, like ‘The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA’.
  • Additional Context: (Optional) Any supplementary context or instructions that might help better understand or extract the information from the text provided.

Node Output

The output of this node includes:

  • Each item you want to extract is its own output

Node Functionality

The “Extract Single Item” node is designed to intelligently analyze and identify crucial elements within a text. Once the user specifies the type of key information they are interested in, the node processes the text, identifies, and extracts these elements, and provides them in an organized list.

For example, given a paragraph describing several cities and their climatic conditions, the node can be set up to extract names of the cities and respective temperature details.

When To Use

This node is particularly useful when you need to sift through large volumes of text to find specific pieces of information. Examples include extracting names and dates from historical documents, prices and products from merchant websites, or addresses and contact details from directories.

This node is versatile and can be tailored to a variety of use cases across different industries such as legal, e-commerce, and research, where extracting precise information quickly from text is crucial.