Node Inputs

  • join characters: Text that, if provided, will be used to separate each element of the input list in the final output text. For instance, using a comma (,) would result in elements being separated like so: apple,banana,orange. This field is optional.
  • join by newline: A boolean value that, if set to true, will cause each piece of text in the input list to be separated by a newline in the final output text. In other words, each element from the list will be on a new line.
  • list: The list of text as an input. These are the pieces of text that will be joined together to form the final single text output.

Node Output

  • joined text: The complete text resulting from joining all elements from the list together. The elements are separated by either the join characters or, if join by newline is true, by newlines.

Node Functionality

The node ‘Join Text List’ takes a list of text and combines them into a single piece of text. It offers options to separate the combined elements with custom characters or newline characters.

When To Use

This node should be used whenever you need to aggregate a list of text into a single piece of text. It is particularly useful in scenarios such as:

  • Combining multiple lines of text into a single line with a specified character, like a comma, separating each originally separate piece.
  • Assembling data, like names or values, into a format that is needed for other uses, like creating a comma-separated list for import/export purposes.
  • Formatting output from a list format to a single piece of text for presentation, where each item is clearly divided by a line break or another separator.