Node Inputs

The Filter node has several attributes that configure its behavior:

  • condition type: Identifies the type of filter condition you would like to apply. It uses an enumeration of predefined conditions such as ‘Is empty’, ‘[Number] Is greater than’, etc.
  • condition: Specifies the exact condition to be met for the filtering process. It relates to the selected condition type, and is optional for boolean or empty cases.
  • value: The actual data that you wish to filter.
  • condition value: The criterion against which you want to filter the provided value.
  • output blank value: A boolean parameter that decides if a blank value should be output when the filtering condition isn’t met. If not selected, no output is produced for non-matched cases.

Node Output

  • filtered output: The result of the filter operation. This output will contain either the original input value that met the filter condition, or a blank value if the condition wasn’t met and output blank value is set to true.

Node Functionality

The Filter node is designed to selectively pass through data that meets particular conditions set by the user. It can work with empty values, numerical comparisons, boolean states, as well as textual checks like containment, patterns, and more. This node can be a critical component in workflows where data needs to be vetted or cleaned, passing only the entries that fulfill the given criteria.

When To Use

You can use the Filter node in scenarios where you only want specific data to proceed to the next step in your automated process. Examples include:

  • Filtering out records that do not meet certain thresholds, like age or price limits.
  • Selecting only those rows from a dataset where a particular column is not empty.
  • Subsetting data to include only true or false values from a boolean field.
  • Handling text like processing only items with specific keywords, prefixes, or suffixes.

The Filter node is versatile and should be used anytime you need to automate the decision-making process about which data points are relevant for the continued operation of your workflow.