This operator is named “Duplicate”. Its main function is to create a vector (a type of data object that entails an ordered set of items) with a specified size. The vector created will be comprised solely of a specific item of your choosing.

Operator Inputs

  • Item : This is the item that will be duplicated in the resulting vector. It can be of any data type.
  • List Size To Match : This operator allows you to decide the size of the vector generated by providing another list as reference. In other words, the created vector will have the same quantity of items as the list provided here. This field is optional.

Operator Parameters

  • Number of Copies : This provides another way of deciding the size of the created vector. If provided, the vector will create a number of copies of the input item equal to this parameter. It should be an integer value.

Operator Output

  • List of Items : This is the list that the operator produces. The list will have the same length as the “Array Size to Match”, if provided, or will be as long as specified by the “Number of Copies” parameter. Each item of the list will be the same as the ‘Item’ input.

Operator Functionality

The main function of the Duplicate operator is to make a list out of a single item. Once you provide the item and either a reference list or a specific number of copies you want, the operator will generate a new list composed of your chosen item repeated in accordance with your specifications.

The item to be duplicated (Item) can be any data type, and the size of the resulting vector will be either based on another list you’ve given or as large as the number you specified in the “Number of Copies” parameter.

When To Use

You should use this operator when you need to create an list or vector with repetitive items. If you want to, for instance, initialize an list with a specific size, and populate it with a default value, this operator is a handy tool. You might also use it when programming certain data configurations or when testing code that requires lists of certain sizes.