This node is designed to merge two separate pieces of text following a specific pattern defined by the user. It is versatile, making it suitable for various scenarios where text combination is needed.

Node Inputs

The following are the inputs that the Combine Text node accepts:

  • format: A template that indicates how to combine the two inputs. The placeholders {input1} and {input2} are used to symbolize where the first and second inputs will be included in the combined result. Example: 'This is input 1: {input1} This is input 2: {input2}'.

  • input1: This represents the first input that will be part of the combination. It is okay if this input is not provided.

  • input2: Similar to input1, this is the second input that you want to include in the combination. This input is also optional.

These inputs allow the user to instruct the node on what text should be combined and the pattern that should guide the combination.

Node Output

The node produces a single output:

  • combined text: This is the final text that results from merging input1 and input2 according to the formatted text provided. If the operation is successful, this output will contain the combined text ready for use or further processing.

Node Functionality

The Combine Text node takes the provided inputs and merges them using the specified format. If a user does not supply one of the inputs, the node will still function by simply not including the missing part in the combined result.

When To Use

This node is particularly useful in situations where you need to standardize the combination of different pieces of text, such as generating personalized messages, formatting data for reports, or any process where textual information from separate sources needs to be brought together in a consistent manner. It can be utilized in automation workflows where dynamic text construction is required, offering a straightforward way to create structured text without needing manual effort.