Salesforce API Request
This document outlines the functionality and characteristics of the Salesforce API Request node, which enables direct interaction with Salesforce’s API.
Node Inputs
Required Field
- URL: Salesforce API endpoint to call
Optional Fields
- Method: HTTP method (GET/POST/PATCH)
- Query Parameters: For GET requests
- Body: For POST/PATCH requests
- Headers: Additional HTTP headers
Node Output
- API Response JSON: Response data from Salesforce API
Node Functionality
The Salesforce API Request node performs direct API calls to Salesforce’s CRM.
Key features include:
- Multiple HTTP method support
- SOQL query execution
- Data modification capabilities
- Rate limit management
- Loop Mode for batch requests
- Secure authentication with Gumloop
To fetch account data:
Important Considerations:
- Requires Authentication with Salesforce - Set up in the Credentials page
- Respects Salesforce API rate limits
- SOQL queries must follow Salesforce syntax
- Response format depends on endpoint
- Error handling follows Salesforce standards
In summary, the Salesforce API Request node provides direct access to Salesforce’s API, enabling custom integrations and data operations within your Salesforce CRM.