This document outlines the functionality and characteristics of the Board Reader node, which enables users to retrieve data from specified boards and groups.

Node Inputs

The Board Reader node requires several inputs to operate effectively. These inputs include:

  • Workspace: The specific workspace from which to retrieve data.
  • Board: The particular board within the selected workspace to read data from.
  • Group: Specifies the group within the board to read (e.g., “Completed”, “To-Do”).
  • Number of Items (optional): Limits the number of items to fetch.
    • If set to 1, outputs a single text item.
    • If left blank or set to more than 1, outputs a List of text items.

Node Output

The Board Reader node outputs:

  • Retrieved data as either a single text item or a list of text items, based on the Number of Items setting.

Node Functionality

The Board Reader node is designed to read data from boards and integrate it into workflows.

Key features include:

  • Loop Mode: Allows for batch processing of multiple items, enabling iteration over data within workflows.
  • Dynamic Inputs: Configurable options for showing inputs dynamically, allowing you to toggle visibility for Workspace, Board, and Number of Items.

When To Use

The Board Reader node is valuable in scenarios where data from is needed within an automated workflow. Common use cases include:

  • Task Management: Automatically retrieve tasks from specific boards and groups for tracking progress.
  • Automated Reporting: Pull data for reporting purposes, such as completed tasks or pending items.
  • Project Monitoring: Sync project data from multiple boards to centralize tracking within a workflow.

Some specific examples:

  • Fetching a list of completed tasks for generating a status report.
  • Retrieving new tasks from a “To-Do” group to integrate into a task management system.
  • Pulling data from a project board for team-wide visibility in another system.

Important Considerations:

  1. Requires Authentication with – Set up in the Credentials page
  2. Pre-requisite: Ensure the Gumloop app is installed in your workspace.

In summary, the Board Reader node provides a powerful way to integrate data from boards into automated workflows. With its flexible configuration options and secure access, it is ideal for retrieving and utilizing data in real-time.