Linear Issue Writer
This document outlines the functionality and characteristics of the Linear Issue Writer node, which enables automated issue creation in Linear workspaces.
Node Inputs
Required Fields
- Issue Title: Name of the issue
- Issue Description: Detailed issue content
- Team: Target team (e.g., “Engineering”, “Design”)
- Status: Issue state (e.g., “Backlog”, “In Progress”)
Optional Fields
- Priority
- Labels
- Assignee
Note: Use ‘Configure Inputs’ option to make certain fields dynamic inputs for Loop Mode operations.
Node Output
- Status of the write operation
Node Functionality
The Linear Issue Writer node creates issues in Linear workspaces.
Key features include:
- Dynamic field configuration
- Batch issue creation via Loop Mode
- Team assignment
- Priority setting
- Label management
- Secure authentication with Gumloop
When To Use
The Linear Issue Writer node is valuable for automated issue management. Common use cases include:
- Bug Tracking: Create issues from error logs
- Feature Requests: Convert feedback to issues
- Task Creation: Generate issues from templates
- Project Planning: Bulk create sprint tasks
Some specific examples:
- Creating issues from customer feedback forms
- Generating sprint tasks from templates
- Converting email requests into issues
- Setting up project milestones
Important Considerations:
- Requires Authentication with Linear - Set up in the Credentials page
- Title and Description are required
- Configure Inputs enables dynamic fields
In summary, the Linear Issue Writer node streamlines issue creation in Linear, supporting both individual and batch operations through configurable inputs and Loop Mode.