This document outlines the functionality and characteristics of the Notion Database Updater node, which enables updating existing records in Notion databases.

Node Inputs

Required Fields

  • Select Database: Choose the Notion database to update
  • Search Column: Column to use for identifying the record to update
  • Search Value: Value to match in the search column

Optional Field

  • Update Body Text: Toggle to update the page’s content

Node Output

  • Page Link: URL to access the updated Notion page

Node Functionality

The Notion Database Updater node modifies existing records in Notion databases.

Key features include:

  • Exact value matching for record identification
  • Body text modification support
  • Loop Mode for batch updates
  • Secure authentication with Gumloop

When To Use

The Notion Database Updater node is essential when you need to modify existing database records. Common use cases include:

  • Status Updates: Update task or project statuses when specific events occur
  • Record Maintenance: Modify existing entries with new information
  • Progress Tracking: Update completion percentages or milestones
  • Content Revision: Modify page content based on external changes

Some specific examples:

  • Updating task status when moving through workflow stages
  • Modifying priority levels based on new criteria
  • Updating deadline dates when schedules change
  • Refreshing content details when source information changes


To update a task status:

  • Select Database: “Project Tasks”
  • Search Column: “Task ID”
  • Search Value: “TASK-123”

The node will look for row containing “TASK-123” in the “Task ID” column and update the corresponding columns.

Important Considerations:

  1. Requires Authentication with Notion - Set up in the Credentials page
  2. Database must be shared with Gumloop during authentication
  3. Search value must exactly match the value in the specified column
  4. Only updates existing records (to create new records, you can use the ‘Notion Database Writer’ node)
  5. Node must be refreshed if database structure changes

In summary, the Notion Database Updater node provides a reliable way to modify existing Notion database records. For adding new records, use the Notion Database Writer node instead.