Google Analytics
Google Analytics Reader
This document outlines the functionality and characteristics of the Google Analytics Reader node, which enables automated data retrieval from Google Analytics 4 (GA4).
Node Inputs
Required Fields
- Account: Select your Google Analytics account
- Property: Choose the property within the selected account
- Metrics: Choose analytics metrics to retrieve
- Examples: pageviews, sessions, users, bounce rate
Node Output
- Analytics Report: Text string in JSON format containing the requested metrics data
Node Functionality
The Google Analytics Reader node fetches analytics data from your GA4 account.
Key features include:
- Dynamic parameter population using ‘Configure Inputs’ option
- Multiple metric selection
- Secure authentication with Gumloop
Example Workflows
1. Basic Analytics Report
2. Automated Analytics Notifications
3. Analytics Dashboard Integration
Processing the JSON Output
Since the node outputs data in JSON format, you’ll typically want to process it for use in other nodes. Here’s how:
- Use the JSON Reader node to extract specific metrics
- Transform data for reporting using nodes like:
- Airtable Writer
- Text Formatter
- Notion Database Writer
- Slack Message Sender
Best Practices
Working with JSON Output
- Use the JSON reader node or create a custom node to parse the analytics data
- Extract specific metrics needed for your workflow
- Format data appropriately for your target integration
Setting Up Analytics Access
- Configure GA4 credentials in the Credentials page
- Ensure you have appropriate access permissions
- Verify your GA4 property setup
Important Considerations
- Parameters populate based on your GA4 setup
- Must have appropriate GA4 access permissions
Common Use Cases
- Analytics reporting automation
- Dashboard creation
- Performance monitoring
- Regular stakeholder updates
- Data aggregation for analysis
In summary, the Google Analytics Reader node provides streamlined access to GA4 data, making it ideal for automated reporting and analytics monitoring workflows. Its JSON output format allows for flexible integration with other nodes for data processing and distribution.