Create Twitter Thread
This document outlines the functionality and characteristics of the Create Twitter Thread node, which enables automated thread creation on Twitter/X.
Node Inputs
Required Field
- Tweets: List of tweet texts to form the thread
- First item becomes main tweet
- Subsequent items become replies
Optional Field
- Remove Hashtags: Toggle to remove trailing hashtags from all tweets
Node Output
- Tweet URL: Link to the first tweet in the thread
When To Use
The Create Twitter Thread node is valuable for longer-form Twitter content. Common use cases include:
- Detailed Updates: Share multi-part announcements
- Story Telling: Break down long stories into tweets
- Step-by-Step Content: Share tutorials or instructions
- Live Coverage: Post event updates sequentially
Specific example:
Important Considerations:
- Requires Authentication with Twitter/X - Set up in the Credentials page
- Each tweet must follow character limits
- Input must be list format
- Tweets post in sequence
- Thread posts immediately
In summary, the Create Twitter Thread node streamlines the creation of connected tweet sequences for longer-form content sharing.