This document outlines the functionality and characteristics of the Create Twitter Thread node, which enables automated thread creation on Twitter/X.

Node Inputs

Required Field

  • Tweets: List of tweet texts to form the thread
    • First item becomes main tweet
    • Subsequent items become replies

Optional Field

  • Remove Hashtags: Toggle to remove trailing hashtags from all tweets

Node Output

  • Tweet URL: Link to the first tweet in the thread

When To Use

The Create Twitter Thread node is valuable for longer-form Twitter content. Common use cases include:

  • Detailed Updates: Share multi-part announcements
  • Story Telling: Break down long stories into tweets
  • Step-by-Step Content: Share tutorials or instructions
  • Live Coverage: Post event updates sequentially

Specific example:

  "🚀 Announcing our new product launch!",
  "✨ Key Feature #1: AI-powered analytics",
  "📊 Key Feature #2: Real-time reporting",
  "🔗 Learn more:"

Important Considerations:

  1. Requires Authentication with Twitter/X - Set up in the Credentials page
  2. Each tweet must follow character limits
  3. Input must be list format
  4. Tweets post in sequence
  5. Thread posts immediately

In summary, the Create Twitter Thread node streamlines the creation of connected tweet sequences for longer-form content sharing.