This document outlines the functionality and characteristics of the Google Calendar Event Reader node, which enables automated reading of calendar events from Google Calendar.

Node Inputs

Required Fields

  • Calendar: Select target Google Calendar
  • Start Date (UTC): Beginning of time window for event retrieval
  • End Date (UTC): End of time window for event retrieval

Event Information Options

Select which event data to retrieve:

  • Event Names
  • Event Start Times
  • Event End Times
  • Event Durations
  • Event Locations
  • Attendee Emails
  • Attendee Statuses
  • Organizer Emails

Node Output

All outputs are provided as lists (string[]), maintaining consistent event order:

  • Selected event information fields appear as individual outputs
  • Each output contains data for all events in the specified time range

Node Functionality

The Google Calendar Event Reader node retrieves event information within a specified time window.

Key features include:

  • Flexible event information selection
  • UTC time standardization
  • Customizable date ranges
  • Secure authentication with Gumloop

When To Use

The Google Calendar Event Reader node is particularly valuable for calendar data analysis and automation. Common use cases include:

  • Attendance Tracking: Monitor meeting participation patterns
  • Schedule Analysis: Review time allocation across different activities
  • Event Reporting: Generate summaries of past or upcoming events
  • Resource Planning: Analyze room or resource usage patterns

Some specific examples:

  • Generating weekly meeting attendance reports
  • Analyzing team’s time spent in different meeting types
  • Tracking project review session frequencies
  • Monitoring client meeting patterns

Important Considerations:

  1. Requires Authentication with Google - Set up in the Credentials page
  2. The date output is in UTC format
  3. At least one Event Information field must be selected

In summary, the Google Calendar Event Reader node provides comprehensive access to calendar data, enabling detailed analysis and automation of calendar-based workflows.