Node Inputs

  • method
    The HTTP method to be used in the API request. It can be either GET (used to retrieve data) or POST (used to send or modify data).

  • url
    The destination URL of the API call, beginning with https://. This URL represents the specific address on the internet where the API is accessed.

  • headers (optional)
    Additional information sent along with the request. Headers often include authentication tokens, specifying the type of data being sent, and more. Each header consists of a key and a value, like Authorization: Bearer 1223456789.

  • body (optional)
    Data that is sent with the request. This is typically used with POST requests where the body contains the information that needs to be processed by the API. The body can be provided in two ways: either as a structured list of key/value pairs with an additional type for each value (e.g., string, integer, boolean, json) or as a properly formatted JSON string.

Node Output

  • api response
    The raw output response from the API after the node executes the request. This is typically in the form of a string containing any data returned by the API, which could be text, numbers, or structured JSON data.

Node Functionality

This node allows you to interact with external web services or APIs. It can send requests to retrieve data (using GET method) or modify data (using POST method) at a specified URL. Along with the main request, you can send additional headers for things like authorization or content type declaration. You can also send a body with data associated with your request; for instance, information you want to store or process using the API.

When To Use

Use the Call API node when you need to connect and communicate with an external service or system that offers a web API. This could be for various purposes such as retrieving user data, updating records, triggering remote processes, or simply requesting real-time data from another service. Whether you’re integrating with third-party services or connecting to your own backend systems, this node can be configured to fulfill the needed API call requirements.