Node Inputs

This node accepts the following inputs for customization:

  • Default Value: (Optional) A text value specified as a default output for this node. If no value is input at the time of execution, this default value will be used.

  • Input Name: A name assigned to this input, which can be used to dynamically pass values when the flow is invoked through an external agent or a webhook.

  • Show As User Input: (Optional) A true or false setting that determines whether to prompt the end user to fill in this value when the flow is executed.

  • Input Type: (Optional) Specifies the type of input, which can be text, number, or file. This field is only applicable if “Show As User Input” is set to true.

Node Output

The node generates the following output:

  • Output: The output text value of this node, either taken from the default value or input at runtime.

Node Functionality

The Input node serves as a customization point within an flow. It allows setting a default value or accepting user input at runtime, which can be used further down the flow.

When To Use

Use the Input node when you want to:

  • Provide a pre-defined default value that will be used unless an override is provided.
  • Accept dynamic input from an end user or an external agent when the flow is called, giving flexibility to the flow use case.
  • Specify and require particular types of data (like text, number, or file) to ensure consistency and correctness of the input required for the flow to function properly.

The Input node is particularly useful in scenarios where you want to create generic, reusable flows that can be customized on-the-fly based on the user’s needs or external conditions.