Node Inputs

  • data: The data to be written to the Google Sheet. It should be a list of text.
  • use existing google sheet (Optional): A boolean value indicating whether to write to an existing Google Sheet (set to true) or to create a new one (set to false).
  • sheet link or id (Optional): If using an existing Google Sheet, this should be the link to it in Google Drive or the sheet’s ID.
  • sheet name (Optional): The name of the specific sheet within the Google Sheet file where data will be written. If not provided, the first sheet in the file will be used.
  • writer mode: This specifies how you want the data to be written to the sheet. Options include “Add New Row”, “Add New Column”, “Add to Specified Row”, or “Add to Specified Column”.
  • row index (Optional): When adding data to a specified row, this is the index of the row, starting from 0.
  • column index (Optional): When adding data to a specified column, this is the index of the column, starting from 0.

Node Output

  • sheet link: The link to the Google Sheet where the data was written.

Node Functionality

The Google Sheets Writer node allows you to automate the process of adding data to a Google Sheets file. Depending on the writer mode you select, you can add data as a new row or column, or append it to a specific row or column of an existing sheet. The node offers flexibility whether you’re starting from scratch with a new Google Sheet or updating an existing one.

When To Use

Use the Google Sheets Writer node when you need to:

  • Automate data entry into a Google Sheet.
  • Create new sheets or update existing ones with new data programmatically.
  • Organize collected data into structured tables within Google Sheets.
  • Share real-time data outputs by writing to a centrally accessible Google Sheet.