The Error Shield node is a control flow node that wraps another node and catches any errors thrown within that node. If there is an error, you have an option of passing through the inputs to handle them another way.

Node Inputs

This node accepts the following inputs for customization:

  • Sub Node: The sub node that this super node will act upon.
  • Pass Inputs Through: (Optional) If you want the inputs to your node to also be available as outputs, check this box.

Node Output

The node generates the following optional outputs:

  • ERRORED_INPUT_VALUE: (Optional) If Pass Inputs Through is enabled, there will be a new output handle created for each input on the subnode, allowing you to manage and process the errored inputs separately.

Node Functionality

The Error Shield node serves as a safety mechanism within an flow. It wraps a specified node and catches any errors that occur during the execution of that node. If an error occurs, the Error Shield node can optionally pass the inputs through for further handling.

When To Use

Use the Error Shield node when you want to:

  • Protect your workflow from unexpected errors in a specific node.
  • Handle errors in a custom way by passing through the inputs to another node.
  • Ensure the flow of your flow continues even when a node encounters an error.

The Error Shield node is particularly useful in scenarios where you want to create robust, error-tolerant flows that can handle unexpected issues during execution.